This piece is about how it's often easy to get caught up in today's fast-paced, productivity-oriented society. It's easy to feel bogged down and trapped in a monotonous cycle of tasks and deadlines. Sometimes, we just need some hope to hold on to. That's really the essence of this piece.
I wake up to
The scent of misty mornings
And the smoke of rusty nights,
Daybreak-stained caffeine
To look forward to.
The first few minutes
Are languorous,
My eyes still weighed down
By the tick-tocking
Of Monday through Friday,
Friday through Monday
And Saturday through Sunday.
On and on it goes
On and on and
And on to the
Drudging song and dance
Of swooshing emails
And click-clacking away
To this dusty old rhythm
Of yore.
Submerged in this eternal sea
Of medicated breath
For a sliver of a dream
You can’t guarantee.
And so we must reach
For the remains
Of light,
A slice of glowy warm amber
In the smokey black night —
Perhaps it’s the dulcet tones
Of those who have your heart,
Maybe it’s autumn’s lease
And it’s burnt-orange art,
In a wasteland
Of soured gloom,
How lovely —
To see a sunflower bloom.
© 2021 Shreya Alagramam