With this particular piece, my goal was to create imagery that was both vivid and vague at the same time. Creating imagery is possibly one of my favorite parts about writing poetry or writing in general, really. I find that poetry has the ability to convey imagery in a way that prose cannot. Perhaps its the rhythm, or maybe I'm just a tiny bit biased since I really do enjoy reading poetry more than I do prose.
While writing this I attempted to create a sense of the fantastical. I enjoy writing poems that evoke concepts of fantasy and magic, that transport you to worlds that are up to your imagination and/or interpretation of the piece. I do hope you enjoy reading this piece, I definitely had fun writing it! Leave me a comment and let me know what you think!
There is a place
Across the table
Where the night
Sky melts Orange
Into the
Cold bruised Snow
And they stand
Elf-like with
Twinkle in hand
For they know,
For they know
Why the spring lies
Dead in the
Ashen pool of
Star drawn lust
Where my breath
Meets the road—
Where my breath
Meets the road—
Where my breath
Meets the road
Where my toes
Rest bathed by
The windy winter
Souls till they're
Whole till they're
Whole till they're
Whole no more
Than the carcasses
Of time well
So cherished—
I dream in
Their presence—
I dream in
their presence—
I dream in
Their presence
For they're
Light as the
Sun never knew,
Churning out
Some sonneting
Birds by the
Second and the
Tick, and tick,
Tick tick tick,
Click? —Click?— Click?
They like picnicking laughter,
Bad dreams at times
And good dreams with bad
© 2018 Shreya Venkataraghavan